BGN 19.99BGN 15.99Месечен абонамент за е-просвета
BGN 19.99BGN 15.99 -
Комплект раница + бутилка с Bluetooth® колонка + 12-месечен абонамент за е-просвета
Офертата „РАНИЦА, ПЪЛНА СЪС ЗНАНИЯ“ включва:
+ Абонамент за 12 месеца за Е-ПРОСВЕТА;
+ Ученическа раница TEAM THE CLASHERS;
+ Бутилка Bluetooth® колонка TEAM THE CLASHERS;
+ #BONUS изненада от Слави.BGN 99.99 -
BGN 99.99BGN 79.99Едногодишен абонамент за е-просвета
BGN 99.99BGN 79.99 -
BGN 45.00BGN 36.00Абонамент за е-просвета за ВТОРИЯ учебен срок
BGN 45.00BGN 36.00
- Kindergartens
- 1. grade
- 2. grade
- 3. grade
- 4. grade
- 5. grade
- 6. grade
- 7. grade
- 8. grade
- Bulgarian language
- English language
- Deutsch language
- Russian language
- French language
- Spanish language
- Math
- Information technology
- Informatics
- Philosophy
- History and civilizations
- Geography and economics
- Biology
- Physics and Astronomy
- Chemistry and environmental protection
- Music
- Art
- Technology and entrepreneurship
- 9. grade
- Bulgarian language
- English language
- Deutsch language
- Russian language
- French language
- Spanish language
- Math
- Information technology
- Philosophy
- History and civilizations
- Geography and economics
- Biology
- Physics and Astronomy
- Chemistry and environmental protection
- Music
- Art
- Technology and entrepreneurship
- 10. grade
- 11. grade
- 12. grade
- Other literature
- Free Download